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Abbott-Young Memorial Temple

The Abbott-Young Memorial Temple was given jointly by Beta Zeta alum Owen D. Young and the Abbott family in 1926 in memory of their deceased Beta sons – John Young (who would have graduated in the Class of 1924), Hugh Abbott (Class of 1903) and Worth Abbott (Class of 1900). A major $500,000 restoration effort by Beta Zeta alumni to the Temple was completed in 2015 – and over 200 Betas and guests joined to celebrate the return to glory for the 90-year old Beta Temple.

The Beta Temple represents the spiritual and ceremonial core of Beta Zeta. From initiation rites to milestone celebrations, it has been a backdrop for countless moments that shape our collective identity and reinforce our values. This is one of only two Beta temples in existence.

Consistent to Owen D. Young’s original intention for its use, the Beta Temple is used by students, faculty and the Beta Zeta chapter.